Submissions always welcome.
Lake Study
Jan 21, 2007
On behalf of those who contributed to Lake Manuka Management Study performed by Progressive AE, the Board of Directors of the Lake Manuka Association is proud to make generally available the Lake Manuka Management Report. Many thanks to all those involved in reaching this important milestone.
For those who contributed financially to this report, the Board of Directors recently mailed to your home address a hard bound version of this report by US Mail. If it has not arrived as of yet, it should be delivered to you within the next two weeks.
The online version is available below.
Oct 15, 2005
The Lake Manuka Association Board of Directors recognizes those who contributed
to the Lake Study as
Stewards of Lake Manuka.
Sept 2, 2005
The lake study open forum was a great success! Thanks to all involved.
Please read more about it on this new page.
Also, a plan for the study was provided by Progressive AE. The new link is
below in the documents.
Lake Manuka Engineering Study
Plan to attend the Open Forum Sept 2, 7 pm at Hayes Twp Hall to ask your questions and to hear the comments of Tony Groves from Progressive AE's proposal to do this study.
Aug 15, 2005
We have received 22 contributions for a total of $5,500 pledged and $4,960 paid. Three members agreed to pay on the extended plan. We are at 34% of our minimum goal of $16,000.
Aug 12, 2005
We have received 16 contributions for a total of $3,640. Two members agreed to pay on the extended plan. We are at 23% of our minimum goal of $16,000.
Lake Study Documents
type of document |
date |
title |
Jan 21, 2007 |
Lake Manuka Management Study (3.44MB) |
Sept 2, 2005 |
Progressive AE Study Plan Overview. (provided during
open forum) |
Aug 2005 |
Lake Study Contribution Letter |
Aug 2005 |
Lake Study Contribution Form |
Aug 2005 |
Lake Study Contribution Stewardship Q&A |
Aug 2005 |
Progressive AE |